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Information Technology Vs. Cybersecurity: All You Need To Know (2023)

Information technology and cybersecurity are the elementary units of any organization’s data security plans.

Sometimes, people use these terms interchangeably, but they are not the same. There are some differences in the meaning of both these terms.

IT security refers to protecting an organization’s data and information system from unauthorized access. It involves implementing processes that prevent the misuse, theft, or modification of sensitive information.

Cybersecurity covers the protection of information on the internet only.

You can consider cybersecurity as a part of information technology security. The first deals with protecting online information, whereas the latter deals with how an organization’s data is handled regularly.

So if you want to protect your data, you need to have a robust risk management plan for information technology and cyber security.

Understanding IT Security

It is creating measures and implementing them to protect any company’s data. This data can be in different forms like paper or electronic.

While the organization which handles a large quantity of data daily needs to develop systems and processes that help keep the information safe

Let’s take an example-

Suppose your organization has the credit card information of every customer. You want to protect this from unauthorized access, so you need a data security framework that provides guidelines on how that data should be handled.

The scope of information technology security is broad, and it also includes steps that should be taken to protect online data.

You can consider it the first step towards safeguarding any information from getting into the wrong hands.

Understanding cyber security

It refers to protecting an organization’s data from online attacks. As the company relies on cloud computing, servers, networks, etc . for their data, data can be exposed to hackers.

It involves the development and implementation of techniques that save this data.

The data may fall prone to different types of cyber-attacks, but cyber security ensures your safety online.

So creating a cyber security plan and implementing it is important to keep your business safe.

Differences between cyber security and IT

The scope of data covered.

Information technology security is a broad data security approach that encompasses both physical and electronic data.

It includes how files are printed, shared, stored, and other things. It also outlines the techniques that need to be used to handle the electronic data.

So, in short, it focuses on making policies for securing both online and offline data.

Cybersecurity only covers electronic data transferred on the internet. A cybersecurity plan covers all the policies, processes, and techniques needed to protect electronic data from hackers.

Let’s take an example-

Suppose you are good at maths, but your friend, is very good at biology and maths.

Can you solve biology questions or focus on biology? You might not..!!

But can she solve both biology and maths problems? Yes, she can because she is An expert in both subjects.

In the same way, the scope of cybersecurity is not broad, whereas the scope of data covered under information technology security is broad. It needs to solve both problems and make plans for offline and online data security.

The approach

The ultimate goal of IT is to ensure the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of an organization’s information. So it is an overarching approach that covers how all the data is collected, shared, and stored.

Cybersecurity protects sensitive data from unauthorized access across online networks.

The primary approach includes assessing risks, creating a risk management matrix, analyzing those risks, and then implementing a plan for protection and risk management.

The techniques implemented

Information technology and cybersecurity also differ in the way they are implemented.

Information technology

This is focused on multiple channels that extend beyond cyberspace. It also covers physical access to various places where data is secured.

It determines who can visit the place and who not. It can also set down how customer data should be collected and how employees need to handle that data.


It focuses on a preventive and risk management strategy. The techniques here implemented involve password protection, data encryption, and network security to prevent cyber-attacks.

Let’ take an example-

Suppose you are giving an exam and you write every answer on your own. Will you do the whole process carefully, like planning what and how you need to write? will..!

Now suppose someone provides you with their answer sheet, and you have to find mistakes in that. Not only mistakes, but you must also keep that answer sheet safe from teachers.

In the same way, cybersecurity and information technology work. Information technology focuses on the whole process of how data should be stored, processed, and collected.

But cybersecurity focuses on how data should be protected from cyber-attacks.

Types of Information technology security

Access control

Access control is responsible for deciding who can access an organization’s data. It uses policies that verify users who they claim to be as they can’t give access to unauthorized people.

For example-

Suppose you have secured all your credit card information in an organization. Someone goes there and claims it to be theirs.

In this situation, they are asked to prove their identity to be the data owner. If they fail to prove it, they won’t be given access.

Compliance control

Compliance controls deal with cybersecurity laws and privacy laws. These laws aim to reduce cyber security threats.

Procedural controls

These controls aim to detect and reduce security risks to the company’s physical data. They also involve compliance training, security awareness education, incident response plans, etc.

Technical control

This includes using multi-factor authentication during login. It acts as an extra layer of security over data.

For example-

Suppose someone has your bank account information and tries to debit some money. Can they easily do it? Yeah, they can..!!

But now, think that before debiting the money, the bank sends you a security code to confirm whether you want to debit the money or not.

Can that individual get your money without your permission ( in this scenario)? No..because they will also be asked about the security code, which they can’t provide.

This is how multi-factor authentication works in protecting the data.

Types of cyber security

Network security

This deals with securing the information from misuse, interruption, and unauthorized access.

It prevents cyber-attackers from getting into your network.

Cloud security

It is a mixture of several –

  • Policies
  • Controls
  • Technologies
  • Procedures to keep the cloud-based systems and infrastructure secure.

Application security

It helps companies prevent hackers from stealing their code and data available in various applications.

Let’s take an example-

Suppose there is an application “X” in which your data is stored, and hackers want to get that data.

Now, think if you won’t find and fix the application loopholes, can hackers take advantage of those loopholes? Yes..!! That’s why detecting, fixing, and enhancing application security is important.

Critical infrastructure

It includes a union of tools that offers a wide range of security services.

Examples of those tools are- anti-malware software, virus scanners, etc.

Sometimes, hackers try to access your system by infecting system with malware and viruses, but critical infrastructure doesn’t let them do this.

Reasons why cybersecurity plays an important role in an organization-

Reasons why information technology plays an important role-

  • Protects the company’s ability to work efficiently.
  • Secures all types of data of an organization.
  • Helps businesses to save more money.

Information technology protects physical and electronic data, whereas cyber security protects only electronic data.

The above mentioned are the major differences between both. Still, have any questions regarding information technology or cybersecurity?? Ask me in the comment section.

Kevin James

Kevin James

I'm Kevin James, and I'm passionate about writing on Security and cybersecurity topics. Here, I'd like to share a bit more about myself.I hold a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity from Utica College, New York, which has been the foundation of my career in cybersecurity.As a writer, I have the privilege of sharing my insights and knowledge on a wide range of cybersecurity topics. You'll find my articles here at, covering the latest trends, threats, and solutions in the field.