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Master’s Degree Cybersecurity Engineering & Computer Science From Auburn University, Montgomery (2023)

Society needs to have access to data security that is why there is a steadily expanding need in society for more cybersystems and data security.

These needs and wants require a person who can carry out, and deal with any security issues, also a researcher who can make unique and imaginative advances to improve cybersystems security. 

AUM helps the students of the Master of Science in Computer Information Systems and Cyber Security program to get specialized training in

  • Computer network and information security,
  • Operating system security,
  • Secure software engineering,
  • Applied cryptology, and
  • Secure network engineering.

Why AUM?

Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) is perceived by U.S. News and World Report, just as The Princeton Review, as probably the best school in the Southeast. Let’s know more about AUM.

  • AUM offers an affectionate local area; intended for just 7,000 understudies. Almost 50% of the classes at AUM incorporate 20 or fewer understudies, so your educators are probably going to know you by name.
  • AUM is your first stop for a lifelong one that is important. You’ll get a customized, certifiable learning experience in one of their five universities — either on their lush, 600-section of land grounds, in an internet setting or through a mix of both.
  • They commend Their different understudy body. Their affectionate grounds local area incorporates understudies, all things considered, capacities, societies and foundations. Their understudies come from everywhere in the world!
  • They have grant-winning employees. U.S. News and World Report positioned AUM No. 22 among territorial colleges in the South for the nature of undergrad education.
  • They figure great schooling ought to be moderate. Almost 40% of their understudies procure grant help, including grants for rookies, students from other schools, worldwide understudies, and veterans and their wards.

About Master of Scicence Courses

The Department of Computer Science and Computer Information Systems offers invigorating and great four-year college educations in software engineering, alongside graduate degrees in cyber systems and data security.

Master of Science in Computer Science

Auburn University at Montgomery’s Master of Science in Computer Science will set you up for developing industry and position you for the initiative in the industry, government, the scholarly world and the examination area.

Your graduate degree will set open doors for headway as a PC and data frameworks director, security expert, framework and application programming engineer, framework examiner, server farm manager, information investigator, computational researcher and then some.

Their alumni will likewise have the hypothetical and commonsense readiness important to proceed with their schooling in doctoral projects zeroing in on the spaces of software engineering, computational science, displaying and reenactment and applied math.

In this present graduate degree program, you will foster abilities to:

  • Apply to register information proficiently to take care of common sense issues
  • Comprehend the hypothesis, strategies and best practices from their spaces of fixation
  • Associate applicable algorithmic and numerical ideas to programming plan and examination
  • Work together successfully to plan and carry out answers for computational issues
  • Be an Expert in progressing software engineering ideas in the accompanying regions: calculations plan and examination, information base frameworks, programming, and frameworks.

After graduation understudies can propel their vocations as PC experts by taking different occupation positions in the processing business, research focuses, government and the scholarly community.

MS in Cybersecurity Engineering

It has a minimum of 33 semester graduate credit hours

Foundational Courses (9 credit hours) 
COMP 7270Advanced Topics in Algorithms3
COMP 7271Advanced Computer Architecture3
COMP 7272Advanced Topics in Operating Systems3
Required Cybersecurity-Specific Courses (9 credit hours) 
COMP 6350Digital Forensics3
COMP 6370Computer and Network Security3
COMP 7370Advanced Computer and Network Security3
Elective Cybersecurity-Specific Courses (9 credit hours selected from the list below)
MATH 6180Cryptography 
COMP 6520Network and Operating System Administration 
COMP 6700Secure Software Process 
COMP 6720Real-Time and Embedded Systems 
COMP 7700Software Architecture 
COMP 7710Software Environments 
COMP 7720Software Reverse Engineering 
6000/7000/8000-level coursework on cybersecurity and approved by the department 
Elective Courses (3 credit hours) 
6000/7000/8000-level coursework relevant to cybersecurity and approved by the department3
COMP 7980Capstone Engineering Project3
Total Hours33


I hope this content has given me prior knowledge about this university. An online degree in network safety will give you coursework that will guarantee and set you up for the industriousness of having the option to secure the classified information of different organizations.

It will ensure you know about the current digital frameworks situation and assist you with developing and you find out about the new ones as they are created. It may likewise assist you with building those new security frameworks yourself.

An undergrad or graduate certificate could affect your profession and put you aside from your companions by giving you the information and abilities to help you flourish.

Kevin James

Kevin James

I'm Kevin James, and I'm passionate about writing on Security and cybersecurity topics. Here, I'd like to share a bit more about myself.I hold a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity from Utica College, New York, which has been the foundation of my career in cybersecurity.As a writer, I have the privilege of sharing my insights and knowledge on a wide range of cybersecurity topics. You'll find my articles here at, covering the latest trends, threats, and solutions in the field.