11 Hacking Statistics You Must Know (Infographic)

- 42% of Ethical Hackers in the US Are White [Source: Career Explorer]
- 58% of State-Backed Cyberattacks in the US Originate from Russian Hackers [Source: Euro News]
- 86% of Hackers Are Money-Motivated [Source: Security Boulevard]
- 87% of Ethical Hackers in the US Are Male [Source: Career Explorer]
- Hackers Steal 75 Records Every Second [Source: Security Boulevard]
- Only 4 or 5% of Cybercriminals Are Ever Apprehended [Source: Security IT Summit]
- Russian Hackers Can Infiltrate a Network in Just 18 Minutes [Source: Forbes]
- Russian Intelligence Hackers Are the Fastest Hackers in the World [Source: NBC News]
- State-Sponsored Russian Hackers Target US Government Agencies More than 50% of the time [Source: Euro News]
- The Youngest Hacker Convicted of Violating Cybercrime Laws Was Just 15 [Source: Kaspersky]
- With 74% of Americans Worried About Their Personal Data Being Stolen, Hackers are American’s Biggest Crime Fear [Source: Statista]
Formjacking & Cryptojacking Statistics
- A known symptom of cryptojacking is that applications take 5 to 10 times longer to load (Purplesec, 2021).
- Although the incidence of cryptojacking is relatively low, crypto weaknesses are among the most common network vulnerabilities, with organizations registering a 39.7% vulnerability rate (EdgeScan, 2020).
- Crytojacking accounts for 2.5% of malware among breaches (Verizon, 2020).
- Cybercriminals can earn around $2.2 million monthly should they steal 10 credit cards from each of the reported 4,800 formjacked sites (Symantec, 2019).
- On average, formjacking codes compromise around 4,800 websites every month (Symantec, 2019).
- Out of 3,500 IT professionals, 17% reported that their organizations were victimized by cryptojacking (Sophos, 2021).
- The first hacker convicted of SIM swapping was recently sentenced to a 10-year prison sentence. (Vice, 2019)
- The vulnerability rate for cryptojacking spikes up to 43.7% when it comes to external/public networks (EdgeScan, 2020).