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What is IP Spoofing and How To Prevent it?

A specific kind of cyberattack called spoofing involves someone attempting to utilise a computer, device, or network to deceive other computer networks by pretending to be a legitimate organisation.

It’s one among a number of methods hackers employ to break into computers and mine them for sensitive data, make them become zombie computers (computers taken over for malicious usage), or conduct DoS (denial-of-service) attacks.

IP spoofing is the most often used form of spoofing. Let us get into the blog, to acquire more info.

What is IP Spoofing?

IP spoofing is the process of creating Internet Protocol (IP) packets with altered source addresses to either disguise the sender’s identity, mimic another computer system, or both.

DDoS attacks against a target device or the infrastructure around it are frequently launched using this method by hostile actors. The foundation of the current internet is made up of IP packets, which are sent and received by networked computers and other devices.

How does IP Spoofing work?

Let’s start by providing some context: Data is divided into several packets for internet transmission, each of which is delivered separately and then put back together at the other end.

The source and destination IP addresses are included in the IP (Internet Protocol) header of every packet, along with other details.

The goal of IP spoofing is to trick the receiving computer system into believing that the packet is coming from a reliable source, such as another computer on a valid network, so that it would accept it.

To do this, the hacker utilises tools to change the source address in the packet header. Since this happens on the network, there are no outward indications that anything has been tampered with.

IP spoofing can be used to get around IP address authentication in systems that depend on relationships of trust between networked machines.

The “castle and moat” defence is a strategy in which those outside of the network are viewed as dangerous and those inside the “castle” are regarded to be trustworthy. Once a hacker has gained access to the network, it is simple for them to investigate the infrastructure.

Because of this flaw, more reliable security methods, such as those that require multi-step authentication, are increasingly being used in place of simple authentication as a defensive tactic.

There can occasionally be genuine reasons for IP spoofing, even though hackers frequently use it to commit online fraud and identity theft, as well as to take down business websites and servers.

Organisations might employ IP spoofing, for instance, to test websites before launching them. To test whether the website can manage a high number of logins without becoming overloaded, this would entail establishing thousands of virtual users.

When used in this manner, IP spoofing is legal.

List Out the Various Types of IP Spoofing

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)attacks

Hackers employ faked IP addresses in DDoS attacks to flood computer servers with data packets. This gives them the ability to remain anonymous while causing a website or network with heavy internet traffic to slow down or crash.

Masking Botnet Devices

IP spoofing can be used to conceal botnets and gain access to machines. A botnet is a collection of computers that hackers manage from a central location. A dedicated bot is running on each machine, acting maliciously on the attacker’s behalf.

Each bot in the network has a spoof IP address, making it difficult to identify the malicious actor. IP spoofing enables the attacker to mask the botnet. In order to increase the attack’s reward, this can be done.

Man-in-the-middle attacks

Another malicious IP spoofing technique employs a “man-in-the-middle” attack to obstruct two computers’ communication, tamper with the packets, and then transmit them without the sender or recipient being aware of it.

Attackers that successfully spoof an IP address can gain access to personal communication accounts and follow every part of those communications. 

From there, it’s possible to steal data, and steer users to phoney websites, and other things. Man-in-the-middle attacks might be more profitable than other types of attacks because hackers amass a wealth of private data over time that they can use or sell.

Best Ways To Avoid IP Spoofing

IP spoofing attacks are intended to mask the attackers’ real identity, making them hard to identify. Risk can be reduced, though, by taking a few anti-spoofing precautions.

Since server-side teams are responsible for preventing IP spoofing to the best of their abilities, end users are unable to stop it.

Protection against IP spoofing for IT professionals:

IT professionals must create and implement the majority of the techniques used to prevent IP spoofing. The following are some options for preventing IP spoofing:

  • Tracking unusual activities on networks.
  • Finding abnormalities with packet filtering, such as incoming messages with source IP addresses that differ from those on the organization’s network.
  • Employing trustworthy verification techniques (even amongst networked systems).
  • Utilising a network attack blocker and authenticating all IP addresses.
  • Putting some of the computer resources behind a firewall. A firewall can assist in network Security by filtering traffic with spoof IP addresses, validating traffic, and preventing access from unauthorised outside parties.

The most recent Internet Protocol, IPv6, is being promoted to web designers. By integrating encryption and authentication processes, it makes IP spoofing more difficult. The previous protocol, IPv4, is still used by a significant amount of internet traffic worldwide.

About End-user security against IP spoofing:

IP spoofing cannot be stopped by end users. Nevertheless, maintaining good cyber hygiene will help you increase your online safety. Prudent safety measures include:

Ensure the security of your home network’s configuration.

For your home router and any linked devices, this entails updating the default users and passwords and making sure you use strong passwords.

In addition to avoiding apparent words, strong passwords have at least 12 characters, a mix of upper- and lowercase letters, digits, and symbols. 

When utilising free WiFi, use caution

On insecure public Wi-Fi, stay away from conducting transactions like shopping or banking. Use a virtual private network, or VPN, to increase your security if you must use public hotspots.

To safeguard the confidential data you send and receive over the internet, a VPN encrypts your internet connection.

Verify that the websites you visit use HTTPS

Some websites don’t use data encryption. They are more open to attacks if they don’t have a current SSL certificate. Websites that begin with HTTP rather than HTTPS are not secure, which puts users at risk when they share critical information with them.

Check to see if the website is HTTPS and check for the padlock icon in the URL address bar.

When it comes to phishing attacks, be on the lookout.

Avoid clicking on links in phishing emails that ask you to change your password, login information, or credit card information.

Phishing emails have the appearance of coming from trustworthy companies, but they have actually been sent by con artists. phishing emails should not contain links or attachments that you should open.

Make use of a thorough antivirus

The best method to be secure online is to use a reliable antivirus to shield you against hackers, viruses, malware, and the most recent internet dangers. Maintaining your software’s updates is also crucial to make sure it has the most recent security features.

IP Spoofing: History

IP packets were considered when designing the internet. Although spoofing predates the internet itself, individuals didn’t become aware of the issue until many years later.

Researchers learned that hackers could change the data contained in the IP header system in the 1980s and published publications explaining how this functioned and how it might lead to issues.

Researchers had internal discussions about it, but none of these discussions appeared to cause a generalised alarm. 

1994 was a pivotal year. Tsutomu Shimomura, a well-known security specialist, suffered a severe IP spoofing attack on Christmas Day. It is sometimes referred to as the “Computer Crime of the Year” due to the widespread media coverage of the incident.

A lot of people became aware of the potential harm that such an assault could inflict as a result of the publicity, and many specialists started to consider what they could do to keep their systems secure. 

Discussions held after 1994 are largely responsible for the knowledge we have regarding IP spoofing protection. Even though we still have a lot to learn, we now have considerably more knowledge about server security than we had in the early years of the Internet. 

Wrapping Up

To summarize, from the above-given article we have seen all the primitive information about IP Spoofing. Finally, it’s challenging for end users to distinguish between real communications and IP spoofing.

By only visiting websites that employ secure encryption techniques like HTTPS, they may be able to reduce the risk of additional spoofing techniques.

The source address in the outgoing packet header is changed by the attacker during IP address spoofing. The destination computer accepts the packet because it is recognised as originating from a trustworthy source, such as a computer on a corporate network.

Kevin James

Kevin James

I'm Kevin James, and I'm passionate about writing on Security and cybersecurity topics. Here, I'd like to share a bit more about myself.I hold a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity from Utica College, New York, which has been the foundation of my career in cybersecurity.As a writer, I have the privilege of sharing my insights and knowledge on a wide range of cybersecurity topics. You'll find my articles here at, covering the latest trends, threats, and solutions in the field.