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Master’s in Public Administration-Cybersecurity Concentration at California State University (2023)

At California State University, the Master of Public Administration emphasizes public and non-profit services.

Students through this degree gain an overall perspective of public Administration, including strategies of strategic planning, budgeting, decision-making, human resource management, a knowledge of the democratic governance system, and a capacity to work in the public sector.

Government policy implementation is known as Public Administration. Nowadays, public Administration, as well as overseeing government policies, is often viewed as part of the process of determining public policy.

More precisely, it refers to the planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling of government operations.

No matter what form of government a nation has, public Administration is present. Government strategy is omnipresent, and many approaches are tied to it-such as strategic planning and management-are standard tools available to managers and policymakers.

Politicians and public managers of the 21st century face a vast array of challenges, all of which require proven strategies: What is the shared value they seek to create? When and how will they accomplish this?

Strategic Planning of Public Administration consists of inputs, activities, outcomes, and outputs. The strategy formation process starts with strategic planning, which then leads to strategic thinking.

Strategy formation and strategic thinking are inherently creative activities requiring synthesis or “connecting the dots” and cannot be systematized.

Strategic planning is criticized for attempting to organize these activities. Coordination and measurement of progress on strategic goals can be improved by strategic planning, but it happens “around” rather than “inside” the strategy development process.

Further, strategic planning functions distant from the “front lines” or in contact with the competitive environment (i.e., in business, taking the customer perspective, when the effects of competition are most apparent) may not be effective in supporting strategy efforts.

Approximately 9,000 data sets from public and private organizations were used for a recent meta-analysis that concluded that strategic planning positively affects organizational effectiveness.

It has been shown that strategic planning enhances an organization’s effectiveness (i.e., its capacity to achieve its aims). 

Reasons for choosing California State University (CSU)

The colleges offer a quality broad liberal art education and allow students to engage in campus life through Student Government Associations, clubs, and service-learning programs.

The California State University provides leading-edge programs, superior teaching, and plenty of opportunities for competitive careers. Students graduate with critical thinking skills, an understanding of the industry, and some hands-on experience.

Eligibility criteria

  • Bachelor of Arts degree from an accredited college/university
  • It would help if you had a 3.0-grade point average for the last 60 semester units (or 90 quarter units) of course work, including post-baccalaureate coursework. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores may be reviewed for admission to students with a GPA of 2.75-2.99.
  • An employment record with the Federal Government.
  • Those without public service experience can become candidates only after completing a public service internship.
  • Students must demonstrate their motivation and skills for pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Administration at California State University, San Bernardino, by submitting a 500-word statement of purpose in support of their application.

Please Note: The total number of semester units to satisfy degree requirements is limited to nine-semester units earned in unclassified/conditionally classified status.

Advancement to Candidacy:

  • We are securing the required approval from the Dean of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Director.
  • Work experience in the Public Service or has completed PA 6755 Internship.
  • In consultation with an MPA adviser, I created a plan of study for the graduate program.
  • Served as a graduate assistant for at least 15 semester units of applicable graduate-level coursework at the university, achieving a minimum grade point average of “B” (3.0).
  • Passed the writing-intensive PA 6110 with a minimum grade of “B-” to satisfy the Graduate Entrance Writing requirement.

Guidelines for Graduating

  • According to the program plan, a minimum of 27 semester units must be completed at California State University (CSUSB).
  • Courses outlined in the curriculum section must be completed successfully; you must also complete the electives specified in the curriculum section.
  • You must take all courses applied to the degree with a grade point average of at least ‘C’ (2.0) and ‘B’ (3.0) in MPA courses.
  • Capstone Public Administration course PA 6550 with an overall grade of “B” (3.00) or higher.
  • The two semesters of the PA 6985 Professional Development Seminar must be satisfactorily completed.
  • Comprehensive integrative examination completed successfully. Students who fail to pass the exam may retake it only once, with written permission from the MPA Graduate Coordinator. A student may only take the exam if they have earned a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher, are advanced to candidacy, and have completed approved core and concentration courses.
  • Completing the comprehensive examination fulfills the requirement for writing a graduation paper.


Thus, the Administration of public affairs refers to the management of human beings who are free to think and act as they see fit. Physical science cannot be applied to human relationships.

Kevin James

Kevin James

I'm Kevin James, and I'm passionate about writing on Security and cybersecurity topics. Here, I'd like to share a bit more about myself.I hold a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity from Utica College, New York, which has been the foundation of my career in cybersecurity.As a writer, I have the privilege of sharing my insights and knowledge on a wide range of cybersecurity topics. You'll find my articles here at, covering the latest trends, threats, and solutions in the field.